Zeynep Çelen Yoga

200 Hr Yoga Teacher Training in Geneva 2024

Claire Lalande and Zeynep Celen propose a transformative yoga teacher training aimed at deepening your yoga asanas, meditation and pranayama practice, finding your voice as a teacher to transmit and share, discovering the philosophy and history of yoga.

​Two international yoga teachers, we are bringing together our experiences to help you become independent and open minded instructors.

​This training will enable you to teach in English and French.

​Join us for a multidisciplinary journey into the practices of yoga, in a small group of highly motivated students.

​The training will take place during 7 week ends in Geneva at Yoga de La Fonderie, followed by a 3 day weekend out of town. The retreat resort will be car-bus distance.

​200 hours certified by Yoga Alliance.


You will be learning how to:

  • Practice and teach the basic pranayama, kriya & meditation techniques
  • Practice and teach major yoga asanas and variations
  • Safely and mindfully give hands on adjustments

You will know how to:

  • Design a yoga class
  • Guide students safely in and out of asanas
  • Find your unique voice as a yoga teacher

You will learn about:

  • Yoga philosophy
  • History of Yoga
  • Anatomy and physiology

You will learn the logic behind asanas and sequencing and you will be able create your own classes independently.

By the end of the training you will be equipped to freely pursue your own path as a yogi.ni and to effectively share it with your students.


” I can warmly recommend this program. Claire and Zeynep are clearly seasoned teachers, and overall, their styles beautifully complement each other. They handle all aspects of the training with dedication and professionalism. Claire leads inspired Vinyasa Flow sequences. She is very deliberate and prepared, yet playful in her teaching. Zeynep’s Hatha Flow classes ask students to turn inwards and listen, and practice from within. Zeynep has a profound understanding of yogic philosophy, and taught it from a place of experience and wisdom, conveying hard-to-grasp concepts with ease. By the end of the training, they had built a beautifully supportive and inclusive community of new yoga teachers. I am very pleased to have chosen this program. Thank you!” 

Rebecca R.

“Le teacher training de Claire et Zeynep est incroyablement enrichissant. Avoir deux enseignantes expérimentées apporte une ouverture d’esprit bienveillante et nécessaire pour trouver son propre style d’enseignement. Leur deux styles d’enseignement et de personnalité sont très complémentaires et s’inscrivent dans un cadre commun. Les séquences créatives de Claire, sa pratique inspirante et joyeuse se mêle parfaitement avec la pratique de Zeynep qui apprends à diriger l’attention vers l’intérieur pour trouver son inspiration. Elle à une compréhension profonde de la philosophe du yoga et l’enseigne avec expérience transmettant facilement des concepts difficiles à saisir. Une autre richesse de cette formation provient probablement du cursus scientifique des deux enseignantes (physique et neurosciences). On trouve de la rigueur dans la recherche des sources de la documentation proposée, l’humilité sur les sujets où peu de choses sont connues et la créativité quotidienne nécessaire pour rendre un enseignement marquant. Les thèmes abordés pendant la formation donnent de solides bases théoriques et pratiques. L’enseignement est donné de telle manière à favoriser l’approfondissement de certains aspects chers à l’étudiant. De la création de séquences à la philosophie du yoga, de l’approfondissement de sa pratique à l’enseignement de cours et d’ateliers, mais aussi comment rendre ses cours inclusifs, l’éthique professionnelle et la communication sont quelques-uns des sujets abordés permettant d’enseigner avec confiance. Je les remercie chaleureusement d’avoir transmis leur savoir avec cette énergie joyeuse qui les caractérise toutes les deux.”

Sébastien W



Feb 3-4

Feb 10-11

March 2-3

March 16-17

March 23-24

April 27-28

May 4-5

May 9-12 (10-12 out of town)*

*Travel and housing costs not covered

4600 CHF full price

4200 CHF early bird (until October 1st 2022)

3800 CHF students

2 sponsored spots*

*We believe that yoga should not be an exclusive domain. We want our teacher training to be accessible to everyone. If you are interested in a sponsored spot, send us a message!!

To save your spot, you will have to pay a deposit of 800 CHF

Cancellation conditions:

​200 CHF non refundable (admin fees)

800 CHF non refundable after November 1st, 2023.

1200 CHF non refundable after December 1st, 2023.

Full price non refundable after January 1st, 2024.